Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crab mentality…

As I have made my research over the internet, I came across this definition about CRAB MENTALITY ( , it is described as a way of thinking, best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." or to "pull down those who strive to be better."

Back at my hometown in Dominican Republic, when I was just little girl, my grandma used to take me with her to the market every Sunday morning, where she will buy supplies for the whole week, basic commodities that would be useful for the whole week, grandma would also buy the main ingredient for our favorite dish, the crab, which would be eaten at dinner time on Sunday evening, at our family gathering. We shared stories, experiences that had happened to us over the week.

Grandma used to put the crabs in the basket and I noticed one thing, grandma wouldn’t even care to cover the basket, I suddenly called grandma’s attention, afraid that the crabs would come out from the basket, but grandma simply replied with a smile “My little child, I need you to look closely in to the crabs behavior. “I stared at the basket with my observing eyes, noticing the crabs funny behavior, when one crab tried to get out from the basket, then other crabs will pull this crab down to the bottom, same thing happened on the other crabs who would try to get out from the basket, after noticing the crabs funny behavior, I told my grandma that,” The crabs couldn’t go out from the basket because they were pulling each other”, my grandma simply replied, “ You see child crabs are like some people, once they see you are getting to the top, they will look for ways to pull you down”, at my age I never fully understood what my grandma meant at that time. I have learned many valuable lessons from my grandma; lessons that have helped me become very successful in every endeavor that I've ever chosen.

When you start in a home based-business, think about the crab behavior, understand you will get people criticizing you, making fun of you, and doing a lot of things to try to pull you down. Be patient, find your purpose in life and work your business with passion. Even if it sounds to harsh, try not to be around the people you have been around until now, because they come from a broke mentality, they don’t understand the benefits of being an entrepreneur and instead of educating themselves, they think it is a better option to bring down the person that did their due diligence and found out this industry is a great option to be their own boss and to get the lifestyle they have always dream about. Be around people with the same or better goals than you have, people who are positive and people who will inspire you to move forward and to the place that you really want to be. If you do this with conviction, you will achieve your goals, and the same people with “the crab mentality”, that tried to stop you, are the same ones that are going to seek for your help, once they see you at the top.