Saturday, June 20, 2009

Recruiting Formula By Matt & Catherine Willis: The Real Deal Or Just Hype?

Matt and Catherine Willis just recently launched Recruiting Formula, a home study course that will help anyone that is tired of failing with their network marketing business and are still striving for the success they know they deserve. Even if you have tried network marketing before, and have failed at your attempt, this material is for you.
We know you are probably leery of buying yet another manual that holds no educational value, but believe me, this is not another manual. Recruiting Formula is not a course that is filled with out of date techniques that no longer effectively work.

If you have been using the phone to grow your business, you probably are not seeing the results you wish for, and may even feel a bit frustrated. You must actively move your business online if you truly want to see growth within your business and use multimedia that involves all senses.
That's what Recruiting Formula will teach you: just using the phone to close leads simply doesn't work. Recruiting Formula shows you about video email, webinar presentations, and how to put it all together in such an easy manner that anyone can really grasp the idea and implement.

Recruiting Formula will show you how to put your business on autopilot so that you can devote your time to marketing, which is crucial to your success. Even if you are alone in the business and have had no guidance from your current upline, this system will show you the process to achieve your desired success. If you learn the system, actually take action on the information provided, you will quickly see results and business growth.

Never feel uncomfortable about discussing your opportunity with friends and acquaintances again. Quit facing rejection on the phone. Matt and Catherine show you how to effectively talk about your business in a way that doesn't sound like a sales pitch. People will never listen if they hear the slightest tone of a sales pitch.
Just sending your prospects to a corporate web presentation is no longer effective. Matt and Catherine Willis show you how to effectively utilize video email to reach your prospects and turn them into repeat customers.

If you truly let them show you how easy it is to have your prospects joining your opportunity within ten minutes, you are only bound to succeed. You should enjoy your business and look forward to the financial freedom it provides each and every day.
Even the smallest change to your current work structure can mean a huge difference in your business. Stop chasing unqualified leads and begin exploding your business income utilizing our tactics for recruiting successfully. You too can have anxious prospects banging on your door to join your program!

Listen to this interview, so you can get a taste of the Recruiting formula is about:

Matt and Catherine are so confident that you will see major improvement in your business growth by using Recruiting Formula that they back it up with a full 45-day money back guarantee. The risk is entirely on them, so what do you have to lose?

Get your copy of Recruiting Formula today at

Only 500 copies will be sold at the discounted rate so hurry and get Recruiting Formula now at

Wednesday, February 4, 2009