Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Attraction Marketing

To fully understand attraction marketing, let us dissect the words Attraction and Marketing into two words.

Attraction could be conveyed in different meaning depending on what area of life will you apply it. In physics it could be applied in the law of gravity and electromagnetism, in interpersonal relationship, it could be considered as an attraction to build friendship or relationship, or even in this new age, discovered in metaphysics as it is conveyed to be that a thought could attract certain circumstances either good or bad depending on how you conceive it, but in general term, attraction is the drawing of one object into another.

Marketing on the other hand is considered to be the process or technique of promoting or advertising, selling, and distributing a product or service as it is defined in Webster, or could be a way on how to transport your products and services to the public and will enable you to create a successful business.

Based on the definition of these two words that we have defined, we can derive a simple and yet precise phrase, to attraction of the market.

Try to focus on this phrase, attraction of the market, but how do you attract the market?

Ok, let me start connecting things. Let me use these 3 elements, you as the magnet, the Internet as the force field of the magnet and the market as the object.

Let us discuss first with the market as an object, the market are the individuals who are seeking for an additional income; a home-based business to help them live a comfortable life, spend more time with their family, quit their jobs, or simply seeking to be their own boss and not having to work for anybody else.

The second element is you being the magnet, you should have the aura of a leader, use the precise words that fit into your expertise and not some make up stories of your achievements just to blind the market with misleading promises of you and your products or services by just letting them purchase your products or services, you must come out to the public as an expert who can help people with their needs when it comes to fulfilling their financial dreams. You attract the market by letting them know who you are and what you do, this will enable them to trust you and appreciate your expertise in the industry. They feel comfortable in doing business with you because they know that they will be well taking care of, and nowadays, the medium for letting the market know on who you are and what you do is the INTERNET. We know that the internet is like a battlefield, different companies battle for attention from the market, in order for the market to notice these companies, they have to create different strategies and marketing plans, but the question is ‘How will the market notice you?

Due to the power of the Internet, the market seeks on the web for products, services and people whom they can work with.

The market use keywords on searching for what they are trying to find on the web, that will direct them into different websites and even take them into a website that they might like.

One of the ways you can attract people to see your offer, is by choosing some specific keywords, your information shall not just contain words but right and exact chosen keywords, so that the search engine can deliver your information to the market and the market on the other hand, will be able to find the right kind of person that they feel comfortable doing business with. If they find the right match, they will call this person, and will be willing to submit themselves for mentoring. With Attraction Marketing, you don’t chase people down, you let the market decide on what to do, enabling you to gather quality people who are willing to work and build a business with your help.

The way you achieve this, is by letting people know who you are. Telling your story. People will resonate with who you are and they will decide if what you bring to the table can help them to achieve their financial goals.

Attraction marketing and branding yourself in this industry, works on two directions, it can be beneficial and it can be prejudicial. You only have a few short minutes to retain the attention of a prospect, they can either like you or not. If they do like you and trust you, you will gain their business, on the other hand, if not; you will lose them, but it is a risk you have to take. After all, this is about working with people that want to work with you anyways.

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