Thursday, July 31, 2008

How to Get Free Traffic using MySpace

MySpace is a popular social networking site for people who wanted to locate long lost friends, match friends with another friends, people who are singles and who wanted to meet other singles, people who wanted to map their family tree, people who wanted to talk with friends online and people who wanted to build business and build a network, but the most appealing used of MySpace is for business purposes, yes, MySpace is widely used by business people in order to create a network of people, but how does MySpace benefits business people since MySpace is created for noncommercial purposes? Are there risks in doing this? And what could that be?

MySpace has the ability to upload pictures, join groups, join forums and advertise events, these tools are very useful for business people, like for instance, an entrepreneur will join a group of business people, and then an entrepreneur will post an information or a story on a bulletin, or will post in articles over a forum or will post event/s. This way an entrepreneur can share what he/she has to offer to the market. If people get interested in you, your offer, or the information and training you provide and if they feel you can help them achieve their financial goals, they will join your network.

Since it is stated in the terms and agreement that, “Non-commercial Use by Members. The MySpace Services are for the personal use of Members only and may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by Illegal and/or unauthorized use of the MySpace Services, including collecting usernames and/or email addresses of Members by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email or unauthorized framing of or linking to the MySpace Website is prohibited. Commercial advertisement, affiliate links, and other forms of solicitation may be removed from Member profiles without notice and may result in termination of Membership privileges.

The entrepreneur should never pitch in the products or services directly; one way to advertise on a subtle way, is by using a signature link, so people can have a choice whether to seek for more information or not.

Most entrepreneurs nowadays are using the help of “friends-adding software”. It is indeed a great advantage to be able to grow your friends list exponentially, but there are a few tricks you should consider when using these types of software and to get the most of your MySpace account:

Make sure you set the time delay on the software to anywhere between 20 seconds to 2 minutes, that way they think you are doing it manually.

Limit the number of friends you add to your account to 100 to 150 on a specific day
(90 to be safe).

Create multiple accounts, so you can grow your list faster. This is also a great idea if you are involved in more than one program. You should have minimum 2 or 3 accounts at the same time.

Do not send personal messages to advertise your business, instead use the bulletins board feature. This way if a person in your network is interested on your post, he/she can get more information and you won’t have any complains about spamming anybody.

Try to provide valuable information and training, come across as somebody that wants to help others to succeed, by giving free and good content. People don’t like others to push, sale or manipulate them.

Create a compelling story of you, where you were, where you are now and what you did to get there, and of course, where you are going to. What you will do and the people you are looking for, to help you on your journey to achieve your goals.

Using these techniques is the best way to get free traffic from MySpace. Try to be focused on helping others first, this way you will get people that want to follow you eventually, but think of it as a nice bonus. Don’t focus on making money immediately. Using social networking is a long-term strategy. If you do it the opposite way; trying to sale first, you are going to come across as an aggressive and pushy salesperson and won’t get the desirable results that you are seeking.

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